Jorn Gijzen Marketing

Bingelraderweg 19
6454 AC
Sinds 2021
  • help starting and struggling entrepreneurs
  • with building Trust and Authority  
  • attract more qualified leads    
  • develop a growth Mindset    
  • schedule your consultation call with me    
  • online marketing, content & see
Jorn Gijzen


It's a Pleasure To Meet You

My Story
Growing up as an only child in a caring and loving family, I always believed in persistence over talent.. To be honest, I wasn't the brightest guy and in School teachers often told me "you're pace is too slow" and "you're not bright enough".

At that time I had a hard time keeping up, but that didn't stop me. And I knew talent alone wasn't enough to reachy my goals, so I gave it my all. My dedication, focus and perseverance eventually led to achieving 2 Bachelor Degrees.

After working in the corporate world for 15 years, I realized that there was more to life than just working a job. I always had a natural drive for listening to people, give advice and provide help.

So I decided to start my entrepreneurial journey, to inspire and educate other people and pass my...

It's a Pleasure To Meet You

My Story
Growing up as an only child in a caring and loving family, I always believed in persistence over talent.. To be honest, I wasn't the brightest guy and in School teachers often told me "you're pace is too slow" and "you're not bright enough".

At that time I had a hard time keeping up, but that didn't stop me. And I knew talent alone wasn't enough to reachy my goals, so I gave it my all. My dedication, focus and perseverance eventually led to achieving 2 Bachelor Degrees.

After working in the corporate world for 15 years, I realized that there was more to life than just working a job. I always had a natural drive for listening to people, give advice and provide help.

So I decided to start my entrepreneurial journey, to inspire and educate other people and pass my current and future knowledge on to them.

My goals is to help people build their Brand properly, provide them with proven Marketing Strategies and inspire them to develop a Growth Mindset.

Because I know from experience that talent alone is not enough to achieve your goals, it is essential to have the right mindset.

With Drive and a Bit of Talent You Can Move MountainsLet me help you climb this mountain.

Professional, authentic (profile) pictures and images build credibility and trust in your Branding. Building a professional Brand, ensures you convey confidence and authority in your niche. Be authentic, all the rest is taken.

Applying proven (online) Marketing Strategies will get you targeted leads and more committed clients. Stop with chasing, pitching, spamming and cold calling. Start attracting your ideal clients like a magnet. 

a Fixed Mindset can keep you stuck in limiting Beliefs, Procrasination and lack of Action.


Detail info


maandagvan 8.00 tot 16.30 uur
dinsdagvan 8.00 tot 16.30 uur
woensdagvan 8.00 tot 12.30 uur
donderdagvan 8.00 tot 16.30 uur